188 Central St
Under the Water Tower Hudson MA 01749 978.567.6970 |
ProShop and Range Hours
Click HERE for our hours |
Let others know of any airgun competitions!
We will update submissions weekly! |
Do you have the itch to compete - we have a few possibilities for you.
Marksmanship shooting competitions with pistol or rifle.
Indoor Shooting - Year Round.
Outdoor Shooting - One Town Over. We can now shoot airguns outdoors without a firearms license at Marlborough Fish and game (Marlborough membership required).
Outdoor Field Target Anyone?Click Here to sign up! |
Monthly Indoor Competitions by Week:
First Week
Second Week
Third Week
Fourth Week
First week
of the month 10m pistol shoot Relaxed Rules Official 10m pistol targets must be signed in advance by management to be official. Must be marked 300 or 400 or 600.
typical time to complete is 1 hour. Non-members: $20 per hour range time. standard Members: range time included with membership.
Pick the league you are in by the number of shots you think you can stay accurate within or have time for. 30 shots = 300 max, 40 shots = 400 max, 60 shots = 600 max. compete in one or compete in all. Shoot any day or time you have available. All scores are final as of sunday night at 10pm. Don't like your score or someone gets a higher score, try again. How Can You Do? |
What can you Score? Not seeing the 300 max scores - Click Here
Not seeing the 400 max scores - Click Here
Not seeing the 600 max scores - Click Here
Second week
of the month 10m rifle shoot Relaxed Rules - Just for Fun Official 10m rifle targets must be signed in advance by management to be official.
typical time to complete is 2 hours. Non-members: $20 per hour range time. standard Members: range time included with membership. This events involves shooting from 3 positions, standing, kneeling, and prone.
Shoot any day or time you have available, all scores are final as of Sunday night at 10pm. Don't like your score or someone gets a higher score, try again. |
What can you Score? Ref: Current NRA Precision Air Rifle Position Rules apply (January 2014 rev). Rule 3.17 is waived and ONLY LEAD FREE pellets allowed. Rule Book
Third week of the month
Indoor Field Target Practice! 50ft break barrel rifle 50ft PCP or CO2 rifle 50ft PCP or CO2 pistol For Fun or Prizes! Official NEAG 50 ft targets must be signed in advance by management to be official. Must be marked for PCP , break barrel, pump, or CO2. All calibers scored based on .177 dia from the center of impact so you can shoot .22 or .25 you don't get the advantage of the larger diameter pellet, and they are harder to score.
typical time to complete is 1 hour. Non-members: $20 per target page includes range time. Members: $5 per target page. This events involves shooting from 3 positions, standing, sitting and kneeling. (modified positions are acceptable to accommodate age, injury's, but not whiners!)
Enter as many times as you like per week. Prizes for highest score : under 200 - under 300 - over 300 Shoot any day or time you have available, all scores are final as of Sunday night at 10 pm. Don't like your score or someone gets a higher score, try again. We also get together on Thursday nights to compete as a group - Click Here to Signup |
Break Barrel Rifle PCP or CO2 Rifle PCP or CO2 Pistol |
Fourth week
of the month 50ft supported - benchrest Rifle challenge Modified benchrest - Just for Fun Official NEAG 50ft targets must be signed in advance by management to be official. Must be marked for pcp or break barrel. All calibers scored based on .177 dia from the center of impact.
typical time to complete is 1 hour. Non-members: $20 per hour range time. standard. Members: range time included with membership. This events involves shooting from the sitting position with your elbows on the table for support.
Shoot any day or time you have available, all scores are final as of sunday night at 10pm. Don't like your score or someone gets a higher score, try again. |
What can you do? |
2024 Season at a glance
JANUARY 27, Woburn MA. FT Match FEBRUARY 24, Woburn MA. FT Match MARCH 10, Rockville CT. FT Match 30, Woburn MA. FT Match APRIL 6, Harvard, MA. Benchrest Match 7, Lebanon CT. FT Match 14, Rockville CT. FT Match 17 - 21 Northeast Classic 20, N. Berwick, ME. Benchrest Match 21, Palmer MA. FT Match 27, Marlboro, MA. BR Fun Shoot 27, Woburn MA. FT Match MAY 4, Harvard, MA. Benchrest Match 18, N. Berwick, ME. Benchrest match 19, Marlboro MA. FT Tournament 12, Palmer MA. FT Match 25, Woburn MA. FT Match 26, Rockville CT. FT Match JUNE 2, Lebanon CT. FT Match 9, Rockville CT. Silhouette Match 15, Harvard, MA. Benchrest Match 15, N. Berwick, ME. Benchrest Match 16, Palmer MA. FT Match 22, Maine match is canceled 29, Marlboro, MA. BR Fun Shoot 29, Woburn MA. FT Match JULY 6, Harvard, MA. Benchrest Match 7, Rockville CT. FT Match 14, Lebanon CT. FT Tournament 20, N. Berwick, ME. Benchrest Match 21, Marlboro MA. FT Match 27, Woburn MA. FT Match 28, Palmer MA. FT Match |
2-4, Rockville CT. Grand Prix 3, Harvard, MA. Benchrest match 10, Marlboro, MA. Fun Shoot 17, N. Berwick, ME. Benchrest match 18, Palmer MA. FT Tournament 31, Woburn MA. FT Match SEPTEMBER 1, Rockville CT. FT Match 8, Lebanon CT. FT Match 12-15, Marengo OH, Pyramyd Air Cup 15, Marlboro. FT Match 21, Hollis ME. FT Tournament 21, Harvard, MA. Benchrest match 21, N. Berwick, ME. Benchrest match September 28, Woburn MA. FT Match September 29, Palmer MA. FT Match OCTOBER 6, Rockville CT. FT Tournament 13, Palmer MA. FT Match 18 - 20, Woburn MA. US Nationals 19, N. Berwick, ME. Benchrest match 26, Woburn MA. FT Match NOVEMBER November 1-3 USARB Regionals N. Berwick, ME November 16, N. Berwick, ME. Benchrest match DECEMBER December 14, N. Berwick, ME. Benchrest match |